scenario Fournaise { println("Model Fournaise ready to run") // Init // Instantiate a relation let rplotAg = new IsPartOf_Ag // Instantiate Study area let studyarea = new StudyArea // read Plots from Shapefile let plotShpAg = new ShpAg let lplotAg = plotShpAg.readAll() // returns a list of PlotAg for (p:lplotAg) { rplotAg.connect(p, studyarea) } // Instantiate neighbourhood graph and connect those plots less than 20m apart let gN = new Neighbourhood gN.addAllPlotAg(lplotAg) gN.complete.near(20).connect() // Initialize kml file for output let kmln = new Kml_LC let plt = colorRange(8,"dem2") // get list of colors from predefined palette "dem2" kmln.defStyleRange("st",1.0,plt,-0.2) // prefix, line thickness, list of colors , darken line color a little kmln.defStyle("neighb",1.5,Color|rgb(66,149,217),Color|rgb(66,149,217)) // set color for neighbourhood graph // Initialize shapefile for output let shpout = new ShpAgOut // End Init // Simulation // let ybeg = 2014 let yend = 2030 for (year : ybeg..yend) { println(year) //Initialise list of plots to be added to output shapefile let lplotAgOut = new List // Write land cover state in kml file and shapefile for (p:lplotAg) { p.outputKml(year, kmln) // write to Kml for each PlotAg of the list p.date_begin = ""+ year +"-01-01" p.date_end = ""+ year +"-12-31" lplotAgOut.add(p) // add plot to list of plots for shapefile output } // output to shapefile shpout.append(lplotAgOut) // Change land cover according to neighbourhood gN.changeLC() } // Saving kml file println("") print("Saving kml file...") gN.drawEdge(ybeg,yend,kmln) kmln.saveAsKml() println("ok.") // Saving shapefile print("Saving shp ... ") shpout.close() println("ok.") println("Done.") } // Define the agricultural plot entity. entity PlotAg { property MultiPolygon geom property Integer id property Integer lct // land cover type property Integer surf // surface area in mē property String date_begin // for use with time manager plugin property String date_end // in QGIS service outputKml (Integer year, KmlExport kml){ let id = "Plot" + id + "_" + year let style="st" + lct let deb = year+"-01-01" let fin = ""+(year+1)+"-01-01"//"-12-31" kml.addGeometry (style,id, deb, fin, geom, style,0) } } // Define the study area entity. entity StudyArea { } // Define a datafacer to read shapefile of plots datafacer ShpAg { data Shapefile("data/AgPlots_Fournaise.shp","EPSG:32740") // WGS84 UTM40S // match PlotAg { geom : "geom" id : "PID" lct : "CCULTURE" surf : "SURF" } } datafacer ShpAgOut { data Shapefile("output/Fournaise_Landcover.shp","EPSG:32740") match PlotAg { geom : "the_geom" id : "gid" lct : "lct" date_begin : "begin" date_end : "end" } } // Define a datafacer for Kml export kml - Land cover datafacer Kml_LC { data KmlExport("output/Fournaise_LandCover.kml") } // Define relation between agricultural plots and study area relation IsPartOf_Ag { interaction outputKml (Integer year, KmlExport kml){ let id = "Plot" + + "_" + year let style="st" + p.lct let beg = year+"-01-01" let end = ""+(year+1)+"-01-01"//"-12-31" kml.addGeometry (style,id, beg, end, p.geom, style,0) } } // aggregation operator for changing the lct of a plot according to that of its neighbours aggreg Integer Majority { let nbn = values.size() let f0 = 0 let maj = 0 if (nbn > 0) { // select the most frequent lct among neighbours for (i:1..8) { let f = values.frequency(i) if (f > f0) { f0 = f maj = i } } } // but if more than half of the neighbours have the same lct, it takes a random one between 1 and 8 let r = 1.0 + random()*7.5 if ((f0 > nbn*0.5) && (random() > 0.2)){ maj = r.intValue } return maj } relation Neighbourhood{ filter near(Integer dist){ return (p1.geom.envelope.distance(p2.geom.envelope) < dist) && (p1.geom.distance(p2.geom) < dist) } interaction changeLC() { // the land cover type of a plot is changed according to the lct of its neighbours p1.lct = p2.lct // a plot receives the lct of the neighbouring plot p2.lct = p1.lct } agg { p1.lct << Majority // a plot has many neighbours, therefore an aggregation function is applied p2.lct << Majority // default functions (Mean, Min, Max, Sum ...) or user defined (here Majority) } interaction drawEdge(Integer yearbeg, Integer yearend, KmlExport kml){ let pc1 = Point|xy(p1.geom.centroid.x,p1.geom.centroid.y) let pc2 = Point|xy(p2.geom.centroid.x,p2.geom.centroid.y) let arc = Line|points(pc1,pc2) let beg = yearbeg+"-01-01" let end = ""+(yearend+1)+"-01-01"//"-12-31" kml.addGeometry("Neighbours"," -- ",beg,end,arc,"neighb",0) } }