In Ocelet, a datafacer is to establish a link between data and the objects manipulated in a model.
This new word has been obtained from the words Data and Interface.
Different datafacers are available for specific data formats.
Each datafacer needed has to be defined and parameterised before being used in a scenario. All the datafacers have a common minimal syntax for a basic definition, but their parameterisation will depend largely on the type of datafacer, that is, the data format for which it is specialised.
In fact, two categories of data formats will be used: those comparable to a table (with lines and columns) and those that are not structured in that way. For those with table-like formats (Shapefile, relational database, spread sheet (csv file)) the definitions and functions available are largely similar.
The first section of this documentation provide indications on the syntax common to all datafacers, and also those found in table-like formats. Subsequent sections are for each of the other specific data formats.
Datafacer definition
datafacer name{
datafacer type(
parameters for data source or destination)
content specific to each datafacer type}
The name of the datafacer must begin with a letter (preferably upper case) but can eventually be followed by numbers, and not contain blanks or special characters.
Tabular data format
In the present version of Ocelet, the following formats are considered table-like:
These data storage formats have in common a structure with one record per line and a property (or attribute) per column.
We have used this structure to facilitate the creation of a series of entities (one per record) and an automatic initialisation of their properties from the contents of the columns. It is only necessary to give the correspondence between properties of entities and columns of the data table.
The syntax for specifying this correspondence is as follows:
datafacer name{
type of datafacer(
parameters for the data source or destination)
entity type{
column name"
column name"
column name"
Note that for csv files, the first line has to contain the column names that will be used in the match
Here is a first example of a csv file:
entity MyEntity {
property Integer id
property String name
property Integer pop
datafacer CsvData {
data Csvfile("data/mydatafile.csv")
match MyEntity {
id : "gid"
nom : "country"
pop : "population"
In this example, a series of entities MyEntity are obtained (one entity per line in the csv file) initialised with the content of the columns gid, country and population.
In a scenario, we start by creating a variable to contain one datafacer (this can be done several times if more datafacers are necessary), then we use it to call the predefined functions. For most of them the functions are specific to each type of datafacer.
The table-like datafacers have in common the following function:
List<MyEntity> readAll_MyEntity_()
: Builds a list of entities of type MyEntity. Each entity of that list has been initialised with the values of a line in the data table according to the correspondence specified in the match{...} part of the datafacer.
Complementing the previous example, if the mydatafile.csv file contains the following values:
A list of 3 entities can be obtained using the following instructions:
let cvsdataf = new CsvData
let myEntities = csvdataf.readAllMyEntity()
Each element of the list myEntities will be a an entity of type MyEntity whose properties are taken from the values of a line of the file.
With the Csvfile, Postgis et Shapefile datafacers, there is also a readToKeyMap(String keypropertyname)
function that allows to read data directly into a KeyMap.
Like for readAll()
each line record will give the instance of an entity. The entity is added to a KeyMap, associated with a key which the property value given as parameter.
Therefore, it must be ensured that the property chosen as key contains only unique values, because otherwise, entities with the same key values will be overwritten in the KeyMap.
entity Parc {
property Integer id
property MultiPolygon geom
property String own
datafacer Dplots {
data Shapefile("data/AgPlots.shp","EPSG:32740")
match Parc {
id: "PID"
geom : "geom"
own : "OWNER"
scenario MyModel {
fix dplots = new Dplots
fix plotsbyid = dplots.readToKeyMap("id")
It is possible to specify the coordinate reference system for a model directly, without the need to read it from a data file.
setModelCRS(String epsgcode)
It can be used in a scenario either like this:
or like this:
modelCRS = "EPSG:32740"
Type of datafacer for reading text files whose fields are separated with a comma (comma separated values : csv). The semicolon ;
is the default separator, but it is possible to specify another one.
This type of file can be obtained using a simple text editor, or be exported from a spread sheet.
Here is a small file in csv format that will be used in the example codes in this section:
It is important to note that the first line of the file contains the names of the columns. These comumn names must be given in the first line of the file as they are used in the definition of the datafacer.
The construction function used to define a datafacer of this type can be used in two ways:
Csvfile(String File_name)
Csvfile(String File_name, String separator)
In both cases, the file name must contain the path to access the file.
If another separator is specified, it will be used instead of the semicolon to separate the values of a line.
Note: The first line of the csv file must contain the names of the columns.
Example of a Csvfile type datafacer
datafacer CsvData {
data Csvfile("data/mydatafile.csv")
match Country {
id : "num"
name : "country"
pop : "population"
This example assumes that an entity type Country has been defined elsewhere:
entity Country {
property Integer id
property String name
property Double pop
This definition of the datafacer prepares the file for Read or Write with values separated by the default ;
. But if the values were separated by |
for example, this needs to be specified in the definition of the datafacer: data Csvfile("data/mydatafile.csv","|")
Note that it is not necessary to establish a correspondance with all the columns of the table in the csv file. In this example, the Country entity has three properties whiel the file has four data columns. The column of surface area was not required and was thus unused in the definition of the datafacer.
Once defined, the datafacer can be used in a scenario.
First, a variable need to be assigned with a copy (an instance) of the datafacer defined. In the present example, this is written as follows:
fix csvdat = new CsvData
Then, usual functions specific to the Csvfile datafacers can be called, to read or write data, or to change the name of the file.
To add a single line to the file, we can use the function:
Entity entity_to_write)
The Entity
type indicated here must be understood as the entity type declared in the match clause in the definition of the datafacer.
csvdat.append(new Country=>[id=8 name="Mozambique" pop=25900000.0])
This creates a new Country entity initialised with data on Mozambique, and adds a line at the end of the csv file with these data.
To add several lines at one go, the same function can be used, but with a list of entities:
append(List<Entity> list_of_entites_to_be_added_to_the_file )
Here also, the Entity
type indicated must be understood as the entity type declared in the match clause in the definition of the datafacer.
This function can be used in two ways:
Entity name specified in match()
Both functions create a list of entities of the type declared in the match
clause, that is Country in the present example. Each entity of the list has been initialised with data from one line of the table according to the correspondence specified in the match{...} part of the datafacer.
For example, reading data and producing a list of entities is done as follows:
fix list_countries = csvdat.readAll // list_countries contains a list of entities already initialised
// As verification, the content read can be be displayed using:
for (country:list_countries) println(" population:"+country.pop)
In this example, an equivalent result would have been obtained with:
fix list_countries = csvdat.readAllCountry
This function will delete the csv file to which the datafacer points.
If the file does not exist, nothing happens and no error message is generated. A call to a remove() before an append() will ensure that records will not be added to an existing file.
In this example, a new file Results.csv is created that will contain nothing else but the entities of listResults.
setFileName(String file_name)
If we have another csv file structured like the first one (that is with the same types and column names), it can be used with the same datafacer, just by changing the name.
fix list_countries2 = csvdat.readAll
After these two lines, list_countries2
contains a new list of entities intialised with the content of the other file.
The functions whose names start with set can be used without the set, as if a variable is being updated.
Here, we can also write: csvdat.fileName = "data/myOtherdatafile.csv"
to obtain the same result.
It is possible to change the separator character declared for a Csvfile datafacer. This may be useful when reading a file that uses a given separator, and writing data (from the same entity type) into another file with a different separator, without having to define another datafacer.
The following function is used:
setSeparator(String new_separator)
Functions whose names start with set can be used without the set, as if a variable is being updated.
Here, we can write: csvdat.separator = ","
to obtain the same result.
A type of datafacer to read and write files in the ESRI Shapefile format. More information on this file format is available in Wikipedia or in the ArcGIS documentation.
For the needs of this documentation, please note that data saved in shapefile format are in fact stored in at least three files (with extensions shp
, shx
and dbf
). All three files are required to ensure the coherence of the data. In practice, reference is made only to the file with the shp
extension, but the two other files are implicitly present.
The Shapefile datafacer is defined with the following function:
Shapefile(String file_name, String EPSGcode)
extension. Example of the definition of a Shapefile datafacer
In the case of a plot map (agricultural, cadastral or other), we need to first prepare an entity that will hold the properties of the plots:
entity Plot {
property Integer id
property Integer landcover
property Double surface
property String owner
property MultiPolygon geom
and to define a datafacer that will refer to this entity (through the match clause):
datafacer Plotmap {
data Shapefile("data/AgPlots.shp","EPSG:2975")
match Plot {
id : "pid"
landcover : "lct"
geom : "the_geom"
This datafacer definition prepares the AgPlots shapefile for Read or Write. Only the .shp
file is given, but in Read mode, the two files AgPlots.shx and AgPlots.dbf must be located in the same folder. In Write mode, if the files do not exist yet, all three of them are created when the file is saved.
In the match clause, the correspondance between the properties of the Plot entity: id
, landcover
, geom
... and the attribute names (or column names) of the shapefile: "pid"
, "lct"
, "the_geom"
... is defined.
The "the_geom"
attribute refers to the geometric shape contained in the record. It can be a point, line or polygon, or (as often) the same in their multiple form: multipoint, multiline or multipolygon.
In order to check the content of a shapefile, the about() function of the datafacer may be used.
Once the datafacer is defined, it can be used in a scenario.
First, a variable need to be assigned with a copy (an instance) of the datafacer defined. In the present example, this is written as follows:
fix dataplot= new Plotmap
Then, usual functions specific to the Shapefile datafacers can be called, to read or write data, or to change the name of the file.
When we do not know exactly what are the types of the attributes in the shapefile, or how the names of the attributes are spelled (to be able to use them in the match clause for example), the about() function can be used to provide these informations.
This function gives an overview of what information Ocelet will be able to read from the shapefile. The syntax is as follows:
String about()
In other words, the about function of the shapefile datafacer will return a text that can be displayed.
This is an example of how the function is used. It also shows that the match clause is not compulsory in the definition of a Shapefile datafacer:
scenario Shp_Aboutdemo {
fix dataplot = new Plotmap
datafacer Plotmap {
data Shapefile("data/AgPlots.shp","EPSG:2975")
In this example, parentheses have been put: dataplot.about()
, but as no arguments are required by the function, these parentheses are optional. dataplot.about
can be used to give the same result.
The execution of the scenario of this example will send the following to the console:
Shapefile : AgPlots
Contains 678 records.
Coordinate reference system : WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_40S
Bounds : 363007.54725825915 7645776.8813113645 , 368557.25827995676 7652774.407732953
Description of the 7 attributes :
[1] : the_geom : MultiPolygon
[2] : ALT_M : Double
[3] : SURF : Double
[4] : PID : Integer
[5] : OWNER : String
[6] : LCT : Integer
[7] : LASTFALLOW : Integer
To add a single line to the file, we can use the function:
Entity entity_to_write)
The Entity
type indicated here must be understood as the entity type declared in the match clause in the definition of the datafacer.
let p5 = list_plot.get(5)
p5.owner = "David"
This records in the shapefile the entity passed on through append()
To add several lines at one go, the same function can be used, but with a list of entities:
append(List<Entity> list_of_entites_to_be_added_to_the_file )
Here also, the Entity
type indicated must be understood as the entity type declared in the match clause in the definition of the datafacer.
In the case when the shapefile does not exist yet, it is created and the records are added. In the case when the shapefile already exists, the records are added after those already present.
Beware when records are added to an existing shapefile, the names of the columns, their number and their types must be identical to those of the existing shapefile.
This function can be used in two ways:
Entity name specified in match()
Both functions are equivalent. They create a list of entities of the type declared in the match
clause, that is Plot in the present example. Each entity of the list has been initialised with data from the shapefile according to the correspondance specified in the match{...} part of the datafacer.
For example, reading data and producing a list of Plot entities is done as follows:
fix list_plot = dataplot.readAll // list_plot contains a list of entities initialised
// As verification, and to know how many records have been read
// we can for example display the size of the list:
println("We have obtained "+list_plot.size+" Plot entities.")
In this example, an equivalent result would have been obtained with:
fix list_plot = dataplot.readAllPlot
This function will delete the shapefile and its associated files (.shp, .shx, .dbf).
If the file does not exist, nothing happens and no error message is generated. A call to a remove() before an append() will ensure that records will not be added to an existing file.
In this example, a new file Results.shp is created that will contain nothing else but the entities of listPlots.
setFileName(String file_name)
If we have another shapefile file structured like the first one (that is with the same types and column names), it can be used with the same datafacer, just by changing the name.
fix list_plot2 = dataplot.readAll
After these two lines, list_plot2
contains a new list of entities intialised with the content of the other file.
The functions whose names start with set can be used without the set, as if a variable is being updated.
Here, we can also write: dataplot.fileName = "data/AgPlot_2.shp"
to obtain the same result.
Type of datafacer for reading and writing records in a Postgresql database with the PostGIS spatial extension.
The Postgis datafacer is defined with the following function:
Postgis(String server, String port, String base, String schema, String table, String user, String password, String EPSGcode)
Détail des arguments à fournir :
Example of the definition of a Postgis datafacer
In the case of a plot map (agricultural, cadastral or other), we need to first prepare an entity that will hold the properties of the plots:
entity Plot {
property Integer id
property Integer landcover
property Double surface
property String owner
property MultiPolygon geom
and to define a datafacer that will refer to this entity (through the match clause):
datafacer BasePlotmap {
data Postgis("localhost","5432","MyOceletBase","public","AgPlots","user","password","EPSG:2975")
match Plot {
id : "pid"
owner : "owner"
landcover : "lct"
geom : "the_geom"
This datafacer definition prepares the public.AgPlots table for Read or Write. (public is the name of the schema) belonging to the MyOceletBase database.
In the match clause, the correspondence between the properties of the Plot entity: id
, landcover
, geom
... and the attribute names (or column names) of the shapefile: "pid"
, "lct"
, "the_geom"
... is defined.
The "the_geom"
attribute refers to the geometric shape contained in the record. It can be a point, line or polygon, or (as often) the same in their multiple form: multipoint, multiline or multipolygon.
In order to check the nature of the geometries in a table of the database, the about() function of the datafacer may be used.
Once the datafacer is defined, it can be used in a scenario.
First, a variable need to be assigned with a copy (an instance) of the datafacer defined. In the present example, this is written as follows:
fix dataplot= new BasePlotmap
Then, usual functions specific to the Postgis datafacers can be called, to read or write data.
When we do not know exactly what are the types of the attributes in the table (from an Ocelet point of view), or how the names of the attributes are spelled (to be able to use them in the match clause for example), the about() function can be used to provide these informations.
This function gives an overview of what information Ocelet will be able to read on the structure of the table concerned. The syntax is as follows:
String about()
In other words, the about function of the Postgis datafacer will return a text that can be displayed.
This is an example of how the function is used:
scenario Postgis_Aboutdemo {
fix dataplot = new Plotmap
datafacer Plotmap {
data Postgis("localhost","5432","MyOceletBase","public","AgPlots","postgres","postgres","EPSG:2975")
In this example, parentheses have been put: dataplot.about()
, but as no arguments are required by the function, these parentheses are optional. dataplot.about
can be used to give the same result.
The execution of the scenario of this example will send the following to the console:
Table : AgPlots
Contains 678 records.
Coordinate reference system : EPSG:RGR92 / UTM zone 40S
Bounds : 363007.53125 7645776.5 , 368557.28125 7652774.5
Description of the 7 attributes :
[1] : geom : MultiPolygon
[2] : alt_m : Double
[3] : surf : Double
[4] : pid : Integer
[5] : owner : String
[6] : lct : Integer
[7] : lastfallow : Integer
To add a single line to the table, we can use the function:
Entity entity_to_write)
The Entity
type indicated here must be understood as the entity type declared in the match clause in the definition of the datafacer.
let p5 = list_plot.get(5)
p5.owner = "David"
This records in the table the entity passed on through append()
To add several lines at one go, the same function can be used, but with a list of entities:
append(List<Entity> ist_of_entites_to_be_added)
Here also, the Entity
type indicated must be understood as the entity type declared in the match clause in the definition of the datafacer.
In the case when the table does not already exist in the database, it is created (provided you have the rights for creation and writing) and the records are added. In the case when the table already exists, the records are added after those already present.
Beware when records are added to an existing table, the names of the columns, their number and their types must be identical to those of the existing table.
This function can be used in two ways:
Entity name specified in match()
Both functions are equivalent. They create a list of entities of the type declared in the match
clause, that is Plot in the present example. Each entity of the list has been initialised with data from a record in the table according to the correspondence specified in the match{...} part of the datafacer.
For example, reading data and producing a list of Plot entities is done as follows:
fix list_plot = dataplot.readAll // list_parc contains a list of entities initialised
// As verification, and to know how many records have been read
// we can for example display the size of the list:
println("We have obtained "+list_plot.size+" Plot entities.")
In this example, an equivalent result would have been obtained with:
fix list_plot = dataplot.readAllPlot
This function will delete from the database the table to which the datafacer points.
Type of datafacer for reading and writing files in KML (Keyhole Markup Langage) format, that can be opened and displayed with several GIS software and virtual globes. In particular, this format is used in Google Earth which accepts kml time tags and offers the possibility of displaying dynamic maps.
The KmlExport datafacer is defined with the following function:
KmlExport(String nom_de_fichier)
The only argument required is the name (and path) of the kml file to be produced.
Exemple of the definition of a KmlExport datafacer
datafacer KmlExp {
data KmlExport("output/plotmap.kml")
This definition prepares writing a kml file in the output folder of the project.
In a scenario this type of datafacer is used in four steps:
The assignment of the variable is written as follows:
fix kmlexp = new KmlExp
Rendering styles definition is made using the defIconStyle(), defStyle() and defStyleRange() functions that are detailed below.
Content can be added using the following addFolder(), addGeometry(), addLabel() and add3DModel() functions that are detailed below.
Finally, the actual saving of the file is done using either saveAsKml() or saveAsKmz() according to the format chosen.
The kml format is in text format based on XML. It can eventually be read (and modified manually) with a text editor. The kmz format is simply a zipped version of the kml: the content is identical, the file size is reduced, but it cannot be read or modified using a text editor.
In sum, below is a minimal example to produce a kml file in four steps:
scenario Kml_example {
fix dataplot = new Plotmap
fix list_plot = dataplot.readAllPlot
// step 1 : Assign a variable with new kml datafacer
fix kmlexp = new KmlExp
// step 2 : Add rendering styles definitions
// step 3 : Add content
for (plot:list_plot) {
// step 4 : Actual file saving (in kml format)
datafacer KmlExp {
data KmlExport("output/plotmap.kml")
entity Plot {
property Integer id
property Integer landcover
property Double surface
property String owner
property MultiPolygon geom
datafacer Plotmap {
data Shapefile("data/AgPlots.shp","EPSG:2975")
match Plot {
id : "PID"
landcover : "LCT"
owner : "owner"
geom : "the_geom"
The output/plotmap.kml file produced in this example can then be displayed in Google Earth and looks like this:
The kml format allows creating several layers that can individually be toggle displayed when represented on a map. In order to toggle display a many of them simultaneously, they can be grouped in folders. In Google Earth, the folders and their content are visible in the Places panel. The addFolder() function will add a new (empty) folder in a kmlExport datafacer:
addFolder(String folder_name, Date date_start, Date date_end)
addFolder(String folder_name, String date_start, String date_end)
Argument details:
The addFolder() function is not the only way to add a folder to a datafacer. This can be done directly with certain versions of the addGeometry() function.
The addGeometry() function allows adding different geometrical object shapes (point, linear or surface) to the content of a datafacer.
This function can be used in different ways. The first two are equivalent, with only the (begin and end) date formats that change. The other two will add the possibility of regrouping object types in separate folders:
addGeometry(String identifier, String date_start, String date_end, Geometry geom, String style, Double height)
addGeometry(String identifier, Date date_start, Date date_end, Geometry geom, String style, Double height)
addGeometry(String folder, String identifier, String date_start, String date_end, Geometry geom, String style, Double height)
addGeometry(String folder, String identifier, Date date_start, Date date_end, Geometry geom, String style, Double height)
Argument details :
It is possible to place a text at a georeferenced location using the addLabel() function. This can be assimilated to the addition of a point geometry to which a text is associated. Besides, the display style corresponds to a point style as can be defined with the defIconStyle() function.
The addLabel() function is proposed with four different usage. The first two are equivalent, with only the (begin and end) date formats that change. The other two will add the possibility of regrouping object types in separate folders:
addLabel(Double posX, Double posY, Double height, String date_start, String date_end, String text, String description, String style)
addLabel(Double posX, Double posY, Double height, Date date_start, Date date_end, String text, String description, String style)
addLabel(String folder, Double posX, Double posY, Double height, String date_start, String date_end, String text, String description, String style)
addLabel(String folder, Double posX, Double posY, Double height, Date date_start, Date date_end, String text, String description, String style)
Argument details:
If the kml or kmz file is meant to be displayed in Google Earth, it is possible to add 3D objects in Collada format (with .dae extension). Such objects can be built with the Sketchup software for example.
The add3DModel() function can be used in four different ways. The first two are equivalent, with only the (begin and end) date formats that change. The other two will add the possibility of regrouping object types in separate folders:
add3DModel(Double posX, Double posY, Double orientation, Double size, String date_start, String date_end, String dae_model)
add3DModel(Double posX, Double posY, Double orientation, Double size, Date date_start, Date date_end, String dae_model)
add3DModel(String folder, Double posX, Double posY, Double orientation, Double size, String date_start, String date_end, String dae_model)
add3DModel(String folder, Double posX, Double posY, Double orientation, Double size, Date date_start, Date date_end, String dae_model)
Détail des arguments :
The defIconStyle() function is used to specify a small image (icon) that will be displayed to represent point objects or labels. If no style is set, the default icon will be displayed. In Google Earth it will be the yellow pin:
The syntax is as follows:
defIconStyle(String style_name, String image_file, Double size, Double orientation)
Détail des arguments à fournir :
The defStyle() function is used to specify colour and thickness of line objects and polygon boundaries, and also the colour of the surface inside polygons.
Two syntaxes are available for this function:
defStyle(String style_name, Double line_thickness, Color line_color, Color surface_color)
defStyle(String style_name, Double line_thickness, String line_color, String surface_color)
Argument details:
The defStyleRange() function is similar to the defStyle() function but allows the generation of a series of numbered style names, with each style containing a different colour.
The syntax is as follows:
defStyleRange(String name_prefix, Double line_thickness, List<Color> surface_colors, Double line_color_prop)
Argument details:
This function will delete the kml (or kmz) file to which the datafacer points.
The content of the datafacer can be saved either in kml (uncompressed) or kmz (compressed) formats using two separate functions. Each of these functions come in two different syntaxes:
saveAsKml(String file_name)
saveAsKmz(String file_name)
The saveAsKml() and saveAsKmz() functions without argument will use the file name specified in the definition of the datafacer (or the last name set using setFileName()).
If a file name is given as argument, that file name will be used.
setFileName(String file_name)
Note that this function only modifies the file name that will be used in the next call to the saveAsKml or saveAsKmz functions. Neither the style definitions, nor the content already added to the datafacer are changed.
The functions whose names start with set can be used without the set, as if a variable is being updated. These two expressions are thus equivalent:
kmlexp.fileName = "output/newplotmap.kml"
This type of datafacer allows reading files in raster format. For the time being, we recommend the use of GeoTiff image file format.
A RasterFile datafacer can be defined using one of the following functions:
RasterFile(String file_name, String EPSGcode)
RasterFile(String file_name)
RasterFile(String folder_name, String EPSGcode)
RasterFile(String folder_name)
The first argument is the path to the file in raster format. It can also be the path to a folder that may contain several rester files. In that case, the files are sorted in alphanumerical order and the first one is read.
Example of the definition of a RasterFile datafacer
In the case of a Digital Terrain Model (DTM), each pixel contains an altitude value. First, an entity has to be defined with a property to hold the altitude value, and another property of type "Cell" that corresponds to the shape of the pixel:
entity DtmCell {
property Cell cell
property Double altitude
The datafacer definition then refers to that entity (through the match clause):
datafacer Dtm {
data RasterFile("data/dtm25m_sa.tif","EPSG:2975")
match DtmCell {
altitude : "0"
As defined here, this datafacer prepares for the reading of dtm25m_sa a GeoTiff file.
The match clause defines the correspondance between the altitude
property of the Dtmcell entity and the band number of the raster file.
Once defined, the datafacer can be used in the scenario.
The first thing to do is to assign a variable with a copy (an instance) of the datafacer defined. In the current example, it can be done like this:
fix dtmRaster = new Dtm
This fonction can be used in two ways:
Name of the entity specified in match()
Name of the entity specified in match(clip geometry)
With the first function, the whole raster file is read and the number of entities created correspond to the number of pixels present in the raster file, that is, DtmCell in the previous example. Each entity created will be initialised with the values contained in one band of the raster file, as specified in the match
clause of the datafacer definition.
For example, this is to read the data and obtain a list of DtmCell entities:
fix list_cells = dtmRaster.readAllDtmCell // list_cells contains a list of initialised entities
// For checking and to know how many DtmCell entities have been created
// you may for example display the size of the list, which is also the number of pixels in the raster:
println("We have obtained "+list_cells.size+" DtmCell entities.")
The second will do the same, but for only part of the rasterfile. It returns a list of DtmCell entities contained in the envelope of the clip geometry passed in as argument. For example, the clip geometry can be a MultiPolygon type property of an entity, or the envelope of a Shapefile.
setDirectory(String folder_path)
It is possible to change the folder containing the raster files by giving a new path:
fix list_cells2 = dtmRaster.readAllDtmCell
Following these two lines, list_cells2
contains a new list of entities initialised with the content of the first among the files sorted in alphanumerical order.
If a directory has been passed on as parameter in the definition of the datafacer, the function next() will set the next file to be read as the next file in alphanumerical order in the directory.
fix list_cells2 = dtmRaster.readAllDtmCell
If a directory has been passed on as parameter in the definition of the datafacer, the entity properties defined in the match clause can be updated, for example, after using the next() function.
In that case, the last dtmCell entities created with the readAllDtmCell function have their properties updated with the next raster file in the directory.
If a directory has been passed on as parameter in the definition of the datafacer, the hasNext() function checks whether the directory contains another file in the sorted list with respect to the current file.
In this example, the datafacer will check if there is a following file, and as long as it is the case, it will set position on it with the next() function. The entities are then updated using the update() function.
setFileName(String path_to_file)
If there is another raster file to be read, the same datafacer can be used, just by changing the file name.
fix list_cells2 = dtm.readAllDtmCell
Following these two lines, list_cells2
contains a new list of entities initialised with the content of the new file passed on as parameter.
If a directory had been passed on as parameter in the definition of the datafacer, the file specified as parameter in the path will be selected. In that case, the next() function allows targeting the next file starting from that one.
This function returns a Polygon that represents the envelope of the raster file. This polygon can, for example, be used as clip polygon when reading another raster file that has a larger envelope.
let polygon = dtmRaster.getBoundaries()
fix list_cells2 = dtmRaster2.readAllDtmCell(polygon)
After these two lines, list_cells2
contains a new list of entities initialised with the content of the new raster file that had been clipped using the envelope.
setFileFormat(String file_extension)
This function selects the files which extension has been passed on as parameter. The file extension is specified with a String type that starts with a ".", like for example ".tif".
let polygon = dtmRaster.setDirectory("data/dtmDir")
After these two lines, only the files with a ".tif" extension will be read when the next() function is used.
A datafacer to export a list of cell entities into a raster file in Geotiff format.
A RasterExport datafacer is instanciated directly within the scenario:
let rasterExport = new RasterExport()
Example using a RasterExport type datafacer
Consider the case of an entity having a cell property as spatial representation and an altitude property containing altitude values corresponding to a DTM. The entity can be defined in this way:
entity DtmCell {
property Cell cell
property Double altitude
export(list_cell_entities, output_path, EPSG, entity_property_to_export)
Consider list_dtmcells a list of DtmCell entities containing altitude values. By using a RasterExport datafacer, it is possible to specify the property of the DtmCell entities that need to be saved in Geotiff format:
let rasterExport = new RasterExport
rasterExport.export(list_dtmcells, "output/myDtm.tif","EPSG:2975", "altitude")
Following these two lines, a raster file called "myDtm.tif" that has a band containing altitude values of each of the entities in the list_dtmcells is created and placed in the output directory.